Welcome Friend,
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re a rural woman just like me. I created this space so the stories of rural women across all walks of life could be celebrated, honored, shared, and published. I want to give rural women a voice because even though we may be small in numbers, our voices matter, too. It’s so much more than that to me, though. This is a place for us to share our journeys—the pretty and not so pretty parts of living the rural lifestyle. This collaborative blog is meant to celebrate all aspects of rural life, whether you’ve just moved from the city or you’ve been doing the rural gig for a while.
In this space, I want to surround myself with a community of strong rural women who can support and uplift each other through the mountains and valleys of life. I want to give rural women the tools and support to work through the hard seasons and rejoice in the winning seasons. I want to cultivate friendships that will go beyond the fence lines of our hearts and transform how we live this rural life that we love dearly. I want to make the lonely feel a little less lonely and a little more encouraged, the isolated feel a little less isolated, this big world we live in just a little smaller and do it by celebrating and publishing the unique voices of rural women.
It truly fills me with joy that you would take the time to stop by Beyond the Fencelines where you’ll find stories written for rural women, by rural women to bring us all closer together even though we live miles apart. It is my hope that you’ll find a story that is meaningful to you. Thank you for being here.

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Living a rural life can be lonely. I know that and if you are here then you know that too. The good news is, it doesn't have to be.
Take a moment and read some of our stories on Beyond the Fencelines and you will meet the other amazing farm and ranch women who are living a life just like yours.
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Beyond the Fencelines is a passion project, dedicated to sharing and celebrating the real-life stories of women who live the rural lifestyle. From farming to ranching or from motherhood to mental health if you have a story to tell we would love to hear it.
Click here to fill out our story submission form. You never know who your story might reach.